Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Year Resolutions

"New Year, New You" - 2011

Its hard to believe its the holiday time of year again, and with the holidays comes New Year resolutions. Every year people set goals for themselves to either quit doing something or as simple as start doing something more. The most common one is to loose weight but it can be anything from buying a new car, donating to charity, sharing more or to succeed more get very wealthy.

Now while a lot of people break their resolutions, research and statistics on New Year's resolutions show that setting goals for yourself is still good because you are 10 times more likely to attain your goal, rather than people who don't explicitly make goals.

The top five new year resolutions you might have already guessed are:
  1. Loose weight -This is a big one as studies have shown its been on top of the list for the past couple of years.
  2. Pay of debt - Mainly credit card debt was another famous resolution at the top of most peoples lists.
  3. Quit smoking/drinking/bad habits -  Trying to become more healthy by quitting nasty habits.
  4. Spend more time with family - Due to our fast paced society, people rush to work, rush home, this resolution is very popular for busy parents who work a great deal. 
  5. Be more organized - Not only at work but a great deal of people make their new year resolution to be more organized as a person, at work and in the home also.
So whats your new year resolutions? Let us know please!  Be wise when making your list, and make sure to achieve those goals!

Happy New Year guys!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Summer nights at Luna park Melbourne

Summer Nights at Melbourne’s Luna Park…it’s even more fun after dark!

Still Melbourne’s Most Effective “First Date” Venue after 98 years!

Melbourne’s iconic Luna Park celebrates its 98th Birthday this year, and remains a favourite for young couples on first dates.

In the sunset hours, the reflection of the sun off the water of Port Phillip Bay creates sparkles that come alive as Luna Park turns on the thousands of lights that transform the park into a night-time wonderland.

From December 2 until late April, Luna Park will be open until 11pm on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, and from January Luna Park will be open until 8pm Sunday to Wednesday.

Watch the sunset from the top of the Scenic Railway overlooking a breathtaking view of St Kilda and Port Phillip Bay, take a spin on the Spider in the starry night sky, or lick a stick of pink fairy floss under the lights of the Carousel.

For a special Summer Nights Offer go online: www.lunapark.com.au
December, 2010
Thursday to Friday: 7pm to 11pm
Saturday: 11.00am to 11.00pm

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Take the stress out of Christmas

Christmas can get very "Ho Hum" instead of "Ho Ho" for some families the feeling of living up to expectations, money worries, many presents to buy, cards to send, ordering food, sometimes can get a little on top of us at this time of year and make us feel a little clum when its supposed to be a happy time. A mixture of feelings arise around this time and it can get difficult to juggle several things at once, competing demands such as kids finishing school, work and extended family visits.
What is it all about really? Well it all boils down to one day of course and its that nine letter word that some families often dread to say.

For many couples the stress and finance can come to blow. Although what families need to realize is that not only being together at Christmas time is special but that the novelty of the presents soon wear thin. Family will always be there. Here are some tips to keep in mind and to save the tension and stress building up in your relationship this holiday season and of course to ensure the bright lights keep on shining even without the Christmas tree on show;

  • Remember more isn't better when it comes to Christmas presents. Most people prefer a present that shows you put a great deal of thought and consideration into, the more personal the better. You don't want to have to start repaying your credit card on boxing day.
  • Watch a Christmas DVD with all the family to get in the mood and get that Christmasy spirit... also take a trip down memory lane by dishing out the old photo albums, sharing memories will help bond you closer.
  • Organise with your partner, priortise and take a balanced responsibilty, this way you wont feel its one sided. Share shopping gifts, cards and wrapping the presents.
  • Play games to realize tension and have some fun. Good active one I would recommed is Twister, lots of fun.
  • Focus more on the joy and showing your family that you really care about them, try and forget about all the demands and pressures that it brings.
  • Christmas often brings back memories and instincts of being child-like again, whether its going to your parents house for dinner or messing around with your kids. Enjoy every moment and savor them all.
In my opinion its best not to take each other for granted, smile and make more memories. Merry Christmas! 

"Making a list, Checking it twice"

Are you ready?
Yes its that time folks, that's right, only five more days to Christmas!! The list should be well and truly written, ticked and ticked again by this stage.
But if your anyway like us, that is not the case. Its been a busy couple of weeks here in the office at Melbourne City Newspaper...
For those of you that are frantically rushing out to tidy up the last minute Christmas shopping in Melbourne, rest assured you have all the time in the world. You have up to midnight every day this week except for Christmas eve where the shops are closing at 6pm. Other than that, get down to Target, Myer and all big stores to sort out your Christmas shopping up to 12 midnight. Click here for more opening times: http://www.myer.com.au/stores.aspx Happy Holiday shopping!
I'm of to get my turkey ;-)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A christmas full of smiles for film lovers

So the question is which one are you going to see?
Ben stiller in Little Fockers

Jack Black stars in Gulliver's Travels this Christmas


This Christmas will be sure to bring a smile to faces all over the world..including Melbournians, as two of the most highly anticipated comedy films, that are expected to be box office smashers) are being released in Melbourne Boxing day.  Of course... you have probably guessed.... its the Little Fockers and Gulliver's travels, which are out on Christmas week. Both films are expected to seriously entertain this Christmas with comedian actor Ben Stiller leading the Fockers while the humerous Jack Black is taking on the legendary adventure of Gulliver.

I am not sure which film you guys will choose to go and see but I know I will be squeezing in both films over the holiday season. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Countdown to Christmas

Hi dad how many days to Christmas? Hey mum when is Santa Claus coming? If you have kids you have probably heard this once or twice before...

Next time they ask you can tell them exactly 10 days 3 hours 15 minutes and 34 seconds.. Even better, hand them your Iphone and let them figure it out!

Because The Iphone's latest application is ready for this Christmas season. The name of the app is called Holiday-3-2-1.
Holiday-3-2-1 is much more than an image and a counter (like all the other countdown apps) - it is basically a complete children's activity application with true interaction for the kids to be entertained while they watch the seconds tick away towards their favorite holiday and not only for christmas, it caters for all the upcoming years special occassions and comes with interactive scenes for Easter, St.Patrick's Day, Australia Day, Halloween, New Year, and Christmas.  

If only I had the Iphone for Christmas but its definantly on my list for Santa Claus.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What is the gender of Santa's reindeers?

Reindeer Gender: Male or female?
Have you ever wondered what gender Rudolf the red nose reindeer, prancer, cupid, and all the rest where? It turns out reindeer grow antlers regardless of gender. Scientists in Texas are currently undertaking a great deal of research to find out whether Santa's reindeer's are female or male... Personally I cant see anyone naming their daughter Rudolf.. but let us know what do you think??? Male or female? :-)

A Very Merry, Aussie Xmas Day

The true meaning of Christmas can often be forgotten and the icons, rituals and traditions surrounding the Christmas season are as numerous and diverse as the people who celebrate it.  
As Christmas becomes increasingly commercialized and marketed to ensure the retail sector benefits from the ‘Gift-giving’ aspect of the season, the true meaning of Christmas can often be forgotten; hidden under layers of wrapping paper, tinsel and flashing lights.
In modern Melbourne, the meaning of Christmas varies between individuals, families and cultures, as the diversity of beliefs and values in our population ensures that Christmas Day in Australia has multiple meanings and significance.

From the Christian belief of Christmas Day as a commemorative celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday, to the secular celebration of community and family, the Christmas season provides modern society with an opportunity to participate in a range of rituals which affirm belief systems, remind us of the importance of family and hope for a new year.
Recreation became an integral part of an Australian Christmas, with picnics in parks, swimming in lakes and games of cricket enjoyed by families.
This tradition can still be seen today, where families gather to play a game of cricket after lunch.
“Christmas Day and Boxing Day became known as holidays. The fact that we celebrate Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, in the middle of summer, Christmas has become intertwined with extended vacation time,” said Nicholas Brown.
Though we can make our world a better place by the selfless giving of time and effort. No matter what material shortages we face, we do have each other. Christmas can help us appreciate our brothers and sisters as God’s Gifts.

Decembers Edition of MCN

Front cover of this months edition. Let us know what you think! Enjoy folks!!

Introducing Melbourne City Newspaper