Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Year Resolutions

"New Year, New You" - 2011

Its hard to believe its the holiday time of year again, and with the holidays comes New Year resolutions. Every year people set goals for themselves to either quit doing something or as simple as start doing something more. The most common one is to loose weight but it can be anything from buying a new car, donating to charity, sharing more or to succeed more get very wealthy.

Now while a lot of people break their resolutions, research and statistics on New Year's resolutions show that setting goals for yourself is still good because you are 10 times more likely to attain your goal, rather than people who don't explicitly make goals.

The top five new year resolutions you might have already guessed are:
  1. Loose weight -This is a big one as studies have shown its been on top of the list for the past couple of years.
  2. Pay of debt - Mainly credit card debt was another famous resolution at the top of most peoples lists.
  3. Quit smoking/drinking/bad habits -  Trying to become more healthy by quitting nasty habits.
  4. Spend more time with family - Due to our fast paced society, people rush to work, rush home, this resolution is very popular for busy parents who work a great deal. 
  5. Be more organized - Not only at work but a great deal of people make their new year resolution to be more organized as a person, at work and in the home also.
So whats your new year resolutions? Let us know please!  Be wise when making your list, and make sure to achieve those goals!

Happy New Year guys!!!

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