Monday, December 13, 2010

A Very Merry, Aussie Xmas Day

The true meaning of Christmas can often be forgotten and the icons, rituals and traditions surrounding the Christmas season are as numerous and diverse as the people who celebrate it.  
As Christmas becomes increasingly commercialized and marketed to ensure the retail sector benefits from the ‘Gift-giving’ aspect of the season, the true meaning of Christmas can often be forgotten; hidden under layers of wrapping paper, tinsel and flashing lights.
In modern Melbourne, the meaning of Christmas varies between individuals, families and cultures, as the diversity of beliefs and values in our population ensures that Christmas Day in Australia has multiple meanings and significance.

From the Christian belief of Christmas Day as a commemorative celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday, to the secular celebration of community and family, the Christmas season provides modern society with an opportunity to participate in a range of rituals which affirm belief systems, remind us of the importance of family and hope for a new year.
Recreation became an integral part of an Australian Christmas, with picnics in parks, swimming in lakes and games of cricket enjoyed by families.
This tradition can still be seen today, where families gather to play a game of cricket after lunch.
“Christmas Day and Boxing Day became known as holidays. The fact that we celebrate Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, in the middle of summer, Christmas has become intertwined with extended vacation time,” said Nicholas Brown.
Though we can make our world a better place by the selfless giving of time and effort. No matter what material shortages we face, we do have each other. Christmas can help us appreciate our brothers and sisters as God’s Gifts.

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