Sunday, December 19, 2010

Take the stress out of Christmas

Christmas can get very "Ho Hum" instead of "Ho Ho" for some families the feeling of living up to expectations, money worries, many presents to buy, cards to send, ordering food, sometimes can get a little on top of us at this time of year and make us feel a little clum when its supposed to be a happy time. A mixture of feelings arise around this time and it can get difficult to juggle several things at once, competing demands such as kids finishing school, work and extended family visits.
What is it all about really? Well it all boils down to one day of course and its that nine letter word that some families often dread to say.

For many couples the stress and finance can come to blow. Although what families need to realize is that not only being together at Christmas time is special but that the novelty of the presents soon wear thin. Family will always be there. Here are some tips to keep in mind and to save the tension and stress building up in your relationship this holiday season and of course to ensure the bright lights keep on shining even without the Christmas tree on show;

  • Remember more isn't better when it comes to Christmas presents. Most people prefer a present that shows you put a great deal of thought and consideration into, the more personal the better. You don't want to have to start repaying your credit card on boxing day.
  • Watch a Christmas DVD with all the family to get in the mood and get that Christmasy spirit... also take a trip down memory lane by dishing out the old photo albums, sharing memories will help bond you closer.
  • Organise with your partner, priortise and take a balanced responsibilty, this way you wont feel its one sided. Share shopping gifts, cards and wrapping the presents.
  • Play games to realize tension and have some fun. Good active one I would recommed is Twister, lots of fun.
  • Focus more on the joy and showing your family that you really care about them, try and forget about all the demands and pressures that it brings.
  • Christmas often brings back memories and instincts of being child-like again, whether its going to your parents house for dinner or messing around with your kids. Enjoy every moment and savor them all.
In my opinion its best not to take each other for granted, smile and make more memories. Merry Christmas! 

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